NReco is a collection of reusable components for .NET platform (.NET Framework and .NET Core): business intelligence and web reporting, file formats conversions, data access and data APIs.
NReco .PdfGenerator nuget package embeds windows build of wkhtmltopdf.exe (MSVC 2015) and it can work only on Windows Vista/2008 R2 or newer. For older Windows versions NReco .PdfGenerator.LT should be used with MinGW-build of wkhtmltopdf. LT build usage The following C# code snippet illustrates how to initialize LT build:, Download nreco for free. NReco is an integration framework for lightweight model driven development (MDD) under .NET platform.
NReco Recommender is a .NET port of Apache Mahout CF java engine (standalone, non-Hadoop version) dotnetcore dot-net collaborative-filtering recommender recommendation-system recommendation-engine recommender-system, NReco .PhantomJS is a .NET wrapper for running PhantomJS from C#/.NET code (headless WebKit browser). • VideoConverter | VideoInfo.NET 2.0 | .NET 4.0 | Mono | .NET Core . FFMpeg .NET wrapper for converting media files (video, audio). Can extract video thumbnails, transcode/decode live media streams, encode video from images etc.
NRECO , Amman, Jordan. 1K likes. Nebrass Renewable Energy Company, 11/28/2018 · NReco .Csv. Ultra-fast C# CSV parser: implements stream reader and writer. very fast: x2-x4 times faster than JoshClose’s CSVHelper; memory efficient: uses only single circular buffer, no allocations in heap for CSV of any size; lightweight: bare csv parser with simple API, nreco .videoconverter.dll, File description: NReco .VideoConverter Errors related to nreco .videoconverter.dll can arise for a few different different reasons. For instance, a faulty application, nreco .videoconverter.dll has been deleted or misplaced, corrupted by malicious software present on your PC or a damaged Windows registry.
3/30/2017 · HTML-to-PDF converter for C#/.NET (WkHtmlToPdf wrapper). Generates pretty-looking PDF by HTML template or web page URL. Web page is rendered with Qt WebKit and PDF result is very similar to web browser view. Engine supports page header/footer, page numbering, custom fonts, javascript execution. PdfGenerator can be used for free in non-SaaS projects with only one single.
C# (CSharp) NReco .Linq LambdaParser.Eval – 2 examples found. These are the top rated real world C# (CSharp) examples of NReco .Linq.LambdaParser.Eval extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.